Company Information
In 2005, President and Founder, Casey Sobczak won the first ESPN collegiate national championship for Stephen F. Austin State University. From that win, he was asked to film a show on ESPN2 called, Bass Tech, which focused around professional angler Scott Rook teaching him how to airbrush crankbaits. At the end of the show, Casey was given a brand new airbrush setup to take back to his college dorm room. From there, 6th Sense began.
Casey quickly figured out that the art of re-awakening a customer's old, faded fishing lure with a vibrant color scheme was something that anglers across the world took a profound interest in. Casey discovered a clever niche that was virtually missing from the fishing industry and decided to run with it. As demand continued to rise for these unique crankbaits as well as other customized fishing tackle, the 6th Sense brand evolved into the highly reputable fishing tackle supplier that it is today.
At 6th Sense, their primary goal is satisfy you, the customer. They understand the importance of quality and that if you are happy with your product, they've done their job correctly. They are a family run business and work hard to make the customer their number one priority as they continue to grow 6th Sense into a leading fishing tackle supplier and lifestyle brand.
Warranty Information

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