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The new Torium reels are built with the angler's needs in mind with increased durability, a 6.2:1 high speed retrieve, and increased freespool for effortless castability. If it's kingfish, striped bass, schoolie tuna, or dolphin, this reel excels during the most heated battles in the harshest climates. The one-piece aluminum diecast frame eliminates any type of side-to- side flex.
Coupled with Shimano's High Efficiency Gearing (HEG) and power handle, the Torium can turn any head the right way. The new Torium also offers anglers the comfort features of a contoured Septon* handle grip, an oversized cast control knob and clicker button for ease of use. The Torium makes any fishing time an enjoyable experience and puts your mind to rest. Any doubts you have had about your equipment are in the past. If it's hardcore party boat time or free time in the center console, the Torium will make your time on the water memorable.We do not have any videos for this product yet
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