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Evergreen JT-115 Pencil Topwater Bait



Chosen target never escapes. Next generation silent pencil bait with long distance casting capability.

This is a fishable natural silent pencil bait regardless of any situation or condition. JT- 115 still maintains the original concept of JT-95, but with smoother casting as well as increased long distance capability. It is a pencil bait that excels in action response as well as hooking performance, while focusing on practicality and true pursuit of how to hook the fish.

  1. Remarkable Casting Distance: Provides exceptional and overwhelming distance that surpasses the original product. You can raid boils in far distance compatible to wide spectrum in clear water and or in high- pressure situations in lakes.
  2. Action: Quickly performs "walk-the-dog" technique easily and dynamically. Provides high-speed natural action while keeping silent and no lateral movements inducing spooky bass to bite.
  3. Hooking: Withstands fierce strikes, and hooks the smallest bites. Built in super hooking performance, where drawn fish never escape.


  • Type: Floating
  • Depth: Surface
  • Length: 4 1/2in (115mm)
  • Weight: 11/16oz (19.5g)
  • Hook size: Front:#5 Center:#5 Rear:#5


  • Fixed weight at low center of gravity (Silently modified): Improving the casting distance by placing more weight on rear section of the body. Withstand against fierce bites. Action is stabilized due to the lack of sudden movement of the weight. Anglers control it at will. Now, when action is irregular miss bites often occur, but the stabilized action decreases it.
  • Flat sided body: Water displacement through side surface of the lure creating natural splash, bubble trail and sound that well attracts all bass. Rapid actions with this type of silent bait gains triggering, however, if the sliding motion is too wide then it affects the speed. Therefore it’s set to minimize sliding action. There is less rolling compared to round shape lures, so it’s set to minimize rolls. It reduces the upward action during action, where the hook appears submerged constantly to increase hooking percentage. However, it does not mean that there is no rolling. Even with slight roll, the edge of the designed body creates flickering effect. A model with built in insert plate allows effective flashing.
  • 3 hooker structure: Front hook is located slightly towards the back to minimize the contact between hook and line in case of rapid lateral action.
  • Angle of floatation: Compared to the original shape, the angle of floatation is slightly diagonal. It reduces the enhancement of retrieve resistance usually caused from the larger body type. Minimizes the stress caused to the body during consecutive rapid "walk-the-dog" actions. Front and center hook is placed slightly closer to the tail. When in pause to induce bites, there is no need for the lure to ascend to the surface since the hook is deep in water. To prevent the hook from tangling, split ring is placed sideways.

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