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Arbogast Jointed Jitterbug



The Fred Arbogast line of Jitterbug lures are no doubt the No.1 nighttime topwater lures of all time. The Jitterbug is also a productive daytime lure, and because of its configuration trademark, there is nothing else like a Jitterbug fishing lure. Its double-looped lip, placed at an angle to ensure proper action, creates a loud, paddling sound that is proven to be irresistible to bass for more than 50 years.

Model No. G620 & G625:
These jointed Jitterbugs weigh in at 3/8 of an ounce and are the perfect size to be used with spinning gear in smaller waters for bass and northern pike.

Model No. G670 & G675:
These jointed Jitterbugs have a wider side to side action and create more sound and vibration when fished on a steady retrieve. These lures weigh 5/8 of an ounce and are used to make long casts and works best in calm water.

  • G620: 2.5" - 3/8oz
  • G625: w/ Clicker, 2.5" - 3/8oz
  • G670: 4" long - 5/8 oz
  • G675: w/ Clicker, 4" long - 5/8 oz

    The large image bellow shows the actual bait. The smaller images following that show only the colors.

  • ADD TO CART      
    01 - White/Red Head
    Size Price Stock Qty
    G620 $7.39 10
    02 - Black
    Size Price Stock Qty
    G620 $7.39 Out
    G670 $7.31 10
    G675 $7.31 13
    05 - Perch
    Size Price Stock Qty
    G620 $7.39 1
    G670 $7.31 7
    G675 $7.31 7
    06 - Frog/White Belly
    Size Price Stock Qty
    G620 $7.39 11
    G670 $7.31 11
    G675 $7.31 7
    07 - Frog/Yellow Belly
    Size Price Stock Qty
    G625 $7.31 5
    G670 $7.31 3
    09 - Coach Dog/Orange Belly
    Size Price Stock Qty
    G670 $7.31 14
    115 - Fire Tiger
    Size Price Stock Qty
    G620 $7.39 5
    G675 $7.31 9
    ADD TO CART      


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